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Package Design | Organic Health Vitamins

For the class VCD 5: Package Design at the University of Notre Dame, students were challenged to design one dieline and use it to create two sets of vitamin packaging. The first: black and white forms only—no imagery, no frills. The second: vitamins marketed to a specific group of their choice. The copy was pre-written, but the designs, including dielines, are completely original. Follow along through my process below.

Step 1: B & W Sketches

sketch  1.jpg
sketch 3.jpg
sketch 2.jpg

Step 2: Preliminary B & W Dielines

Step 3: Final B & W Packages

Step 4: Full-color inspiration + sketches

mood board.png
sketch 5.png
sketch 6.png
sketch 4.png

Step 5: Final full-color package dielines

Step 6: Final full-color package construction